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Kent Innovation High

This is not the average public school.

Kent Innovation High is a hands on, project based learning school. Students take their core classes at KIH and then are transported back to their regular schools to take electives. All the work and learning is through projects and a majority of the time is spent collaborating and working in groups. Although this is hard for some, espically because everyone is not good at everything, students realize their strenths and weaknesses and work with others to accommodate to their needs. 



At KIH, learning is authentic.

A lot of schools seem to think placing kids in rows and reading out of a textbook seems like a good way to teach them life skills. To me, that does not make any sense. Through authentic projects with audiences and real world connections to buisnesses, people, and other schools, Kent Innovation sets itself apart from other schools. Students learn in the real world, not just from a textbook.

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